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Just cast my votes for the OpenID Foundation Board!
Just used my vidoop openid to auth for the first and last time. Their image auth system has mouse-over ads... WTF?
Funny Yahoo! ad I just came across.
@pixelsebi To through the registration process and you'll see. PPLSearch isn't complete but the OAuth portion is functional.
@pixelsebi Just read your post. We actually have something similar running on the Cliqset demo site for OAuth.
@ntulip It should be something I can have up before Saturday It's not going to change the world or anything so don't get your hopes up. :)
Had a suprisingly simple Twitter service idea today. Gonna see if I can crank it out this coming week.
@eisokant No problem! Excited to see what Tyba is going to offer.
@eisokant docs reference POSTing authn creds over HTTP not HTTPS. Typo?
@pixelsebi re:German interest in OpenStack specs.
@pixelsebi Are you basing that on your podcast viewership/listenership?
Browsing Elance looking for a designer.
@Scobleizer aren't you worried he feel he's competing for your attention? My son is also 15mn and I do.
Looking for a strong tech writer in Jacksonville to aid in Cliqset API documentation. Recommenations?
Would someone verify that Facebook Connect ToS doesn't allow devs monitization of any info created by FBConnect users on their site/app?
quietly rolling out cliqset beta 1.1 this evening. Adding the first phase of our user resource permissions scheme and bug fixes.
@Scobleizer twitter was a new concept that took a while to digest. FF didn't have to overcome that hurdle.
@eisokant Saw that a few times today. I can't help but think it's a chain letter and completely bogus.
@feather You absolutely should.


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