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so happy! After almost four days in the NICU, Gwen is coming home today! Hooray!!
first photos of Gwen posted to our family blog ( and Flickr (
Karyn was a superstar. She is exhausted so I hope she can sleep tonight. I get to go home to my other 2 daughters and take care of 'em. Fun!
Gwen (the baby) is now in the nursery getting weighed and checked over for good health - fingers crossed all is well
baby girl born - 7:13 pm - more details to follow - thanks everyone! phew!
now fully dilated
I wish I could take some of the pain away but I don't think I could even handle half of it - amazed at what women go through
Karyn is really starting to feel the contractions, even with the epidural
the doctor just paid us a visit - Karyn is about 4 cm dilated - still a ways to go - they cranked up the OxyTOCIN to try and expedite things
are these birthing updates too much information?
ok - the epidural has kicked in for Karyn after several intense contractions - it's starting to happen
Stubborn baby, not many - darn iPhone keyboard - love it and loathe it
thanks to everyone for the well wishes - this is a stubborn many - contractions are continuing to get stronger but still infrequent
we're now in the Delivery Room and the contractions are getting stronger -exciting!
so will she arrive today or tomorrow?time will tell - I like the roundness of Dec 2 but tomorrow is 12-3 - easy to remember
it's been 9.5 hours since Karun's water broke - contractions are still sporatic - we're in the waiting game now
@dragonf1y we're still waiting - stuck in Triage, waiting for a room
sounds like we may be moving out of Triage soon into a Delivery room, but Karyn can still talk through her contractions
@dentonmd we're way more relaxed (so far) so it's less stressful
we're now registered at NY Methodist - Karyn is hooked up to the monitor and all is well


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