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flickr, asking 'did you know you can change the page layout' is useless after I've done it.
has had beer. outlook for rest of day improving.
its a tossup between the sigma 30mm (f/1.4) and the canon 28mm (f/1.8). for a 350D. I'm at a loss :-s
@NeilCrosby you're not missing much (w'looville at least); it's kebab shops, a waitrose and that's about it! Nice to be near the country tho
@NeilCrosby small world; I live off stakes rd.
must be nearly lunchtime, no? getting up early for the cricket taking its toll. have a new MASSIVE coffee mug though so not all bad!
Fuck you, Windows. I leave stuff open overnight for a reason. Why cant the automatic restart wait until the morning?
grr, playlists are crap. at least 45 tracks + 15 artists?? I WANT ONE ALBUM THKS. This is where spotify fits in perfectly.
@mattb dont know if this reflects things in general but I sold my 17-40L for a £5 proft after 2 years. glass is for life; bodies less so
@sdamery dont know if it's 'better' yet... but I like the PHP5 base and community development... will build something in both and compare..
@giagia This wikipedia stuff is frightening. There are pictures of me naked a a child; shall I get flickr blocked by uploading those?
allow me to re-phrase. investigating the kohana php framework. first impressions: what codeigniter should have been
investing kohana framework
I'd like to dedicate this code dance to God, my family and the slowest network ever.
just realised he forgot to use emusic last month. Lost ~70 credits :(
it's certainly NOT beginning to feel a bit like christmas. too much to do first!
listening to his most recewnt musical recording exploits and rather enjoying it. ought to get it on, spotify etc
longs for a new job
hmm, all my outside walls have got cold to the point of blu-tack FAIL


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