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8 days to my 32nd birthday and I now notice grey hairs on my head. That and my goatee is somehow turning red(ish).
@miklb Oh come on. COmment.
Staind - The Illusion of Progess -- How on earth did I miss that this summer?!
@sanasaurus The one with Huckabee was amazingly good.
Retweeting @noscope: Wow, apparently Google Chrome is no longer Beta! (Gmail still is...)
Just saw The Tonight Show from the 9th. John Steward and Mike Huckabee had a great debate. John Stewart did one hell of a job!
Uhm. Last tweet, guess what, it's 2009.
Just got an invite from VMware to attent VMworld Europe 2008.
Ok, so Hyper9 is installed and seems to be collecting data. Win!
Installing Hyper9
David Robert Jones ftw!
So many morons, so little time.
@smerrill You didn't think that one was intentional? ;-)
Norwegian internet users are stupid.


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