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crab cheese wontons and Get Smart with my little brother
realizing how very much needs to get finished this week - productive day is a must!
Cheese and chocolate sample day at Costco!!!
Brunch with @devinreams and parents, assuming of course we navigate the unplowed interstate safely. Nice work, CDOT
it snowed all day in the mountains and Breck had some nice fresh powder - really not a bad way to spend a Saturday :)
the concept of skiing is always more palatable before the Saturday morning alarm
my afternoon woes have been cured by a well-timed mug of hot chocolate and the wonderful company at the @crowdfavorite office
this morning, I got dressed in jeans, a sweater, and boots. it lasted ~90 minutes before I changed back into sweatpants
1) polio is not an eradicated disease 2) ESL puppeteers struggle with the line "not by the hair on my chinny chin chin" #thingsIlearnedtoday
Good afternoon in Boulder, now stuck in traffic on 36.
my dad, while trying out my mom's new laptop: "now, how exactly is this getting internet without being plugged in to anything?" me: "wow..."
I've had an absurdly productive day and have yet to decide which lazy evening activity to reward myself with.
@devinreams damn you and your tumblr! I have that f-ing "cooking by the book" song stuck in my head
10 more days until we leave - simultaneously getting excited to go and stressing about my to do list
@puddlemonkey job hunting is officially one of the suckiest things in the entire world. working beats looking for work, hands down.
Ken Burns: father, filmmaker, American hero
This American Life t-shirt: great apparel or the greatest apparel?
catching up. quick break for This American Life and peppermint bark.


Matt Galligan kareem tedr Veronica Belmont Gordon Brander noah kagan Ben Casnocha Victoria Alex King Devin Reams Frank Gruber Andrew Maverick Hyde Dan Zitting Joseph Kimojino Andrew Chen Casey Schorr Ingrid Alongi Jeremy Tanner Dooce Jennifer Breazeale Ben Brightwell wittytwit Ginevra Figg elysa Karen Hartline Shannon Hoesing Trimtab Technology caseyjdavis Ryan Healy Ben Bleikamp susiea Stepan Mazurov adrienne Ramit Sethi 20sb moreisbetter