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@jwphillips it was a lot of user testing and Jane Wells is to credit for a bunch of that work.
@bleikamp hmm what broke? Wasn't the theme was it?
@photomatt congrats. time for new music video, perhaps?
just saw WordPress 2.7 go up on .org. About time.
@bansheewigs Yeah it was super expert conditions, I didn't even risk going back there... few more weeks. :)
@jonesabi @estarla Amazon has a deal if you want it cheaper + 2 free accessories. ;)
@bleikamp I've never claimed to be anything OTHER than trendy. ;)
loves getting hilarious e-mail forwards. Hates not being able to link them on Twitter. Introducing http:/
has lose of respect for @elysa and her grammar. And her taste in movies. And me for my lack of spelling.
new favorite song: Robocop - Kanye West. A great tale even if it's out of context of the new Kanye opera.
is really enjoying this Kings of Leon album. Good call @indiekid.
is flattered. I didn't know I had any qualities worth respecting, @elysa! (my REAL taste in music:
@djsteen haha yes, I see your point about Flip. other variables there, though. point remains: use things that do one thing the right way. ;)
@elysa oh yeah, just TRY to pretend it's not catchy and stuck in your head... go on
may be a little immature but I can't get over how great this song is:
@djsteen good choice on the camera. I'm a "best of breed" guy iPod for music, Flip for video, etc. Same with web services.
just learned that Revver owes me like $4. People actually watched my videos. Weird.
is wiped out from yesterday at Keystone with @indiekid. Put up my recap at @cosnow.
snow news: Keystone opens Outback for first time this season. Black and double black only.
just finished Girl Talk, moved on to Wolf Rock Brewery.


Noah Matt Galligan kareem tedr Brian Oberkirch Scott Hurff Hiten Shah Dave Morin Charley Hine Justine Daniel Newman Veronica Belmont Mike Rundle Amit superamit Gupta Alex de Carvalho Zach Hale Colin Devroe Matthew Pennell Snook Jeff Smith Gordon Brander Warren, Mr. Warren Derek photomatt Brian Breslin Jeremy Harrington noah kagan Chris Fehnel Matthew Oliphant Alex Payne Martin Ringlein John Gruber Cameron Moll Ben Casnocha karmatosed
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