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Ah, Derek Trucks is awesome work music.
@DougH damn, coulda bought a beer from me (I was working the game for Beta Alpha Psi)
@DougH were you by any chance down at the ACC championship this weekend?
Bought bad gas station coffee this morning. Drank a little, stopped. Bought new coffee at Dunkin Donuts, trashed old coffee. Much happier.
@ChrisElrod Yeah, but so did the #3 ranked team.
@utopia7697 yeah, our big dog lets little things rule her. But the dog is 4, kitten is less than 1. She's just in charge.
@utopia7697 my kitten drinks from the dog's (elevated) water bowl... and the big dog just stands there and waits her turn.
Kitten just turned the TV up all the way. Either she's deaf or she wanted to wake up the dog.
@itnet7 yes, yes you should. Werent yall ever stationed out west?
@itnet7 JITB is disgusting. Go to In-n-Out and get a 4x4 Animal Style.
@pleia2 Go to th Columbia in Celebration for lunch. You know you're only 20 minutes away from me now :-P
Grothe is making me nervous. #USF
damn, grothe was on a tear, then went and threw behind the receiver for anothe red zone turnover. Dammit!


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