Jennifer Woodard M’s Favorites

Alfonso Jiménez
alfonsojimenez Pensando seriamente si drogarme por las mañanas antes de trabajar
titterama Silver lining on the sicko "yes on 8" ads. We bought the two kings book the little girl is holding for our kids. @noonprop8 #beatprop8
FakeSarahPalin dm @FakeJohnMcCain I just got this email from Nigeria and... I THINK WE CAN CLOSE THE SPENDING GAP WITH OBAMA!!!1
Brian Hoffman
ajgentile ... men may either have their masculinity or their Crocs. They may not have both.
Evan Williams
ev I love a hotel that realizes they didn't build enough outlets in the room, so they include a powerstrip without you asking #4seasonshongkong
sean percival
seanpercival hoping my big mouth hasn't got me in too much trouble, well guess i could always talk my way out of it. wait, shit!
Lindsay Olson
PRjobs U.S. & Argentina playing in semi-finals Olympic basketball. Hubby is asking if I am proud of the Arg. team. He still doesn't get I'm from US
joshacagan God DAMN it, Sugarland. Stop being good. I'm already a Steely Dan fan. My tenuous indie cred can't handle me also digging a country band.
Notorious B.I.G.
NotoriousBIG found a thong in my wallet.
80s on 8
80s Now on XM 8: Rock Me Tonight (For Old Times Sake) by Freddie Jackson
Juan Otero
Ruralworker A un cliente se le queda pegada una babosa y no puede quitar la baba de la mano. Al 112 llamo en breve
Hugh MacLeod
gapingvoid Actually, I think I like Odessa, Texas more than I like SF or DC.
Hugh MacLeod
gapingvoid Fact: I actually like El Paso more than I like SF or DC.
Elizabeth Chuck
echuckles what's black and white and red all over? the dying newspaper industry.
Elenamary @jenternational did RBD really break up? is @cindylu right? this mean we're gonna have to have to deal with solo projects? lord help us.
Jack Dorsey
jack MC Hammer bought our conference table.
lissa_angeline Yes, callers, I am totally aware that I don't sound like I'm from Texas. Really. I am completely aware. Is not a new thing.
Biz Stone
biz My wife was sprayed by a skunk today and she thought the smell had "pretty much wore off" um, no it did not
Anil Dash
anildash There is no song that is not improved by the judicious application of Mary J. Blige's vocals.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Livia Alissa Steve Jenson Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski danah boyd seanbonner Xeni Jardin stephysan Ross caroline om Nick Douglas Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson PhoneBoy President Monteiro Kyle Ford Antonio Edward Brett Petersel seth goldstein Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Eduardo Arcos lane Glenda
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