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Would like to share your city in pictures join me in the Your City network. Or discover Ning and create yours
Well, I will be retiring to my royal chamber to have a good sound sleep under my royal satin sheets. I'll be in my bunk :)
@manu_a_sf I imagine his face just saying that and that does it all. I mean the gag is even funnier because of who's behind @johncleese :)
RT @davewiner Mike Arrington says Seesmic "is a mess." - now I'm following @techcrunch on...seesmic!
Reading: "Holiday Magic: Christmas Tree Powered By Bikes, Supposedly" ( )
RT @johncleese: I'm being followed by @thefuckingpope - LOL
@photojournal OMG thanks for that great RT of @guykawasaki: 100 websites with Outstanding Artistic Design
Great I have a new member at Your City, here is one of her pictures @psilvestre
@liors oh I see. I find it hard sometimes to remember LOL
@psilvestre hombre genial. yo lo empiezo a probar hoy. yo creo que sirve para mucha gente. ya vengo de una comunidad parecida en blogger.
RT @photojournal A photograph is not an accident – it is a concept. - Ansel Adams
I am trying Ning. I created a social network called Your City. You can promote your city with pics and posts.
@liors well, I like to try new stuff, social media or not. That list you suggested gave me some ideas :)
@socialmedian congratulations! I like what's going on. Its great news that Xing purchases SM.
RT @liors 100 top sites for the year ahead - at least ten I had not tried (thanks)
Interesting news SocialMedian is being bought by Xing [corporate_xing_com]
Hoy cena de empresa. Me tengo que ir. Going out for our company's Christmas dinner. See u tomorrow my friends.
@jcolivera mil gracias por el apoyo. Siempre viene bien. Pues tus fotos me parecen geniales
RT @MimyC If you need a better understanding of how jQuery works watch this video series from In The Woods - kudos


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