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I've had a brainwave...PR, blogging and Facebook are not dead. Remember you heard it here first.
My first new year's resolution...cutting down on noise.
Tweed is apparently no longer just the fashion of choice for sloanes and geography teachers
Oh no, he's already lost me.
Nick Clegg talking sense for once. I've learnt something.
Too much abuse today, although self inflicted it might be.
@brothermagneto it will probably sell though...
Unsure about GNR Chinese Democracy what does the floor say?
@alexandrapullin now that would be telling, and I know your kind ;)
Some weeks you really feel you are making a difference. This week, depending on the outcome, has the opportunity to be one such week.
Welcoming colleague @dontgomad to twitter. Guys, you should follow this interesting fellow
Tip to Argos and any other retailer that wants to do business when times are tight. Make sure you actually keep stock, it makes sense.
@AlexPearmain @katierocket Brown's comments were also laughable. Politicians always try and relate don't they.
Need a ringer for footy tonight in Maida Vale. Any takers?
@PaulieA as does Brown's!
"Change" obviously hasn't happened yet in London. Tubes still pants
Weekend update. Eagle Eye was over the top but a hella lotta fun.
@robin1966 hmmm, Britain certainly has talent...elsewhere
@robin1966 I don't but I'm sure it is in the Bite archive! Oh dear, a whole can of worms.
@simoncollister @r_c @robin1966 no doubt you are all jealous of my skills, I can show you how, just let me lead the way.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman Dennis Crowley Jerry Michalski Buzz Andersen Peter Berg Chris Sacca Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson danah boyd Dick Hardt Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross caroline Mack D. Male Nitin om Narendra Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus
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