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Awesome lunch at Canoe...arugula, parm, walnut salad w/citrus dressing, grilled salmon w/carrot&spagh squash puree, sauteed spinach
work, laundry, work, dishes, work...but having a bday lunch at Canoe!!
@davidrisley - Happy Bday to your little one! Congrats on making thru the first much fun to come :) (Ps. She shares her bday w/me)
once again, trying to revive my twitter mojo :)
I've been twitter-negligent lately. I guess something about my usual crazy schedule+the holidays made it tough. I've missed everybody!!
I haven't twittered in 5 whole days! Things have been insane around here. Did anyone miss me? ;)
We have heat!!! And, we have the best and most rapidly-responding HVAC guy in Atlanta - thank you Charles Rowland!!
@Mediamum - joining you in the 3 hrs of sleep club. Do not. Feel. Good. But the furnace repairman will be here shortly!!
Would love to know if anyone is up and you think it's too cold to stay here? The current temp outside is 28, 'spose to get to 23
Damn heater. It's a brand new furnace we just put in last month, too.
It's still about 59-60 on this main floor, but it's usually several degrees cooler upstairs where the beds are.
I'm hoping it won't get too bad - hope we made the right decision - my 9 yo already has a cold. How cold is too cold in the house?
So we decided to pile on the quilts and stay instead.
Dh thought we should get the kids up and go off to a hotel. But I started thinking about it - hated to disrupt their sleep on a school nite
I *thought* it had felt awfully cold!! The heat was set on 66, but the temp had dropped to 61.
As dh and I were heading to bed around 11:45, I went to turn down the heat and I realized that it wasn't working
hey gang - is anyone still up?? It's 1:40 am in ATL
Morning twitter world!!!
@jenifermadson - ty for your kind words yesterday. They were appreciated so much!!
@Jimconnolly - i haven't used to skype to call this am, but seems to be working fine for chat


Evan Williams Sarah Austin JOSH The New York Times Chris Schultz Barack Obama Pete Cashmore Scott Monty Wendy Piersall pat kitano Remember The Milk Lighter Footstep The Onion Laura Fitton Branden Nichols Lucretia M. Pruitt PR Newswire Mediamum Erin McKean Dooce Gary Vaynerchuk adayinatlanta BNO News David Risley Weird News CEO -Tony Lifehacker Petri Darby Mark Clayson Laurie Smithwick Elenora_VA John Taylor ChihuahuaMom Lisa Clarke Jessica Smith
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