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is happy that this madness of running around trying to get everything done for Christmas is winding down.
loves Starbuck's soy pumpkin spice latte! Om nom nom nom!
Merry Christmas from The Big Chicken in Marietta, GA.
@makiyamane, Yay for Roland's sweet little behind!
Going to bed really late again, but not quite as late. Must get ready for Dad's visit. Saturday is almost here!
@makiyamane, also...use pure cornstarch instead of baby powder. That worked wonders on my little behinds.
@makiyamane, keeping that little guy hydrated with Pedialyte and such?
@makiyamane, just try to let that little bottom get some air and let the skin dry before you diaper him up again. Use a fan. :)
It is December 17. I had to turn on the air conditioning because it is too warm and icky in the house. The temp in Dallas, GA is 70F!
@makiyamane, does he have a rash now?
@BrianReed helped me find some if that sleep I was missing. Now it is 1:30. Yay for sleep! Think he would get a mani-pedi too?
I have so much to do before my dad gets down here Saturday night. All I want is a full 8 hrs of sleep & to get a pedicure & my nails done.
Swearing off cheeseburgers at 10:00 p.m. & staying up until 3:00 a.m..
Still not finished wraping presents.
Playing Santa.
doesn't know what she would do without Tylenol Cold Multi-symptom Daytime and Nighttime!
I feel like I've been swimming and maybe got a little water in my ears. Anyway, that's better than yesterday.
I feel like I'm under water.
Time to go take my last final exam for 2008. See you next year, KSU.
Gee, I guess I should go to bed. I have to get up in about five hours. G'night All.


Bill Clinton Barack Obama BrianReed rich amtower Chris Busse Kelly Sue DeConnick henryleo BENDIS! BenjaminJDogDog Maki Yamane