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Do you ever ask yourself, "who still uses AOL for email?"? I have the answer for you. It's Quincy Jones.
At a party. Apparently the old guy is Quincey Jones.
@metapede My sister Flora is selling a great cottage in Noe Valley:
@bryanmason Be sure you get that kid on a vesting schedule. Don't want him moving out at 16 before the project is done.
@ev: Reminds me of the old country song "I'm Going Back To Dallas Texas, To See If Anything Could Be Worse Than Losing You"
Southern funeral update: entertainment=football; talk=furniture, Jesus; food=shrimp&grits, BBQ; people=delightful. Great trip, of a bit sad.
@tonx knows everything! Thanks for the tip, may make it out there tomorrow.
Flying to North Carolina in the worst seat United has on offer. FU United! Also: Coffee shop tips for Winston-Salem NC? @tonx, any ideas?
Wow, @kestrin got The Treatment via FedEx!
@kestrin's XBOX commercial with Burt Reynolds is running nationally. Yeehaw! The long version is at
@javashaman I have YAPIP for you if interested. TV writer looking to make a game, no idea of budget.
Great meetings in Santa monica, now up to Topanga for early thanksgiving.
Listening to every version of "Crocodile Rock" on Some are karaoke versions so I get to sing along.
@Coley Blue Plat is a longtime favorite. If possible try: brussel sprouts w/ pecans, macaroni & Spanish drunken goat cheese, meatloaf.
Neighbor cooked a lobster, which we will now butcher & eat. Not sure how the spirit animal people would feel.
@amylola Exactly! I doubt I'll actually enjoy the party, but I feel like it's my way of giving back.
Drinking coffee, which means a late night is inevitable. May go to hippie spirit animal party in silverlake. Snake Costume FTW.
addicted to this baffling flash game:
To all who have seen Slumdog Millionaire (including @p0pvulture): It was peanut butter & melted chocolate. You know what I'm talking about.
Movie of the year: Slumdog Millionaire


Evan Williams sara Lars Chris Wetherell veen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Jones danah boyd Xeni Jardin derek dukes Nick Douglas Andrew Crow Blake Engel Brian Oberkirch Thad White Liz Dunn Hillary Hartley Jeff Bonforte michael lambie Scott Beale janice fraser Erika Hall bryan mason Lowell Goss Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters lane Glenda evany heidi Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller Andrew Amy Muller
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