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@fstop23 send me details, please?
@fstop23 Yes. Surprisingly good. Just watched it.
@fstop23 Have you seen 88 Minutes yet?
@AshleyAffeldt Thank you. Yes, I am grateful that we're so busy. What are your spring semester plans?
@fstop23 that means you planned ahead. can't get things shipped in time right now.
@DonHicks I'll be right there with you this weekend. At the mall. Cheers!
@AshleyAffeldt Happy Holidays to you, too! We've been so busy that I haven't really decorated or shopped yet! You?
@jansonpr Thx 4 sharing Inland Valley Daily Bulletin piece on Mercy House ( Blankets of Love shows how we all can help.
For those who want 2 help w/ Mercy House gala: I'll have event materials soon, thanks 2 the genius of @creativevortex. Beautiful design!
Client news: Greenwala named as one of the Best of Greer’s OC: Greer names Greenwala as one of the top sit..
Client news: Rajeev Kapur interviewed by socalTECH News: Rajeev Kapur, chairman and chief wala of Greenwala, dis..
@rebekah_king @josephaldrich THX again 4 stepping up 2 work on Mercy House gala w/ me. See how urgent their work is:
Must read: How Mercy House is sheltering OC homeless during the winter. ( Storm this week made their work critical.
@sptrobb THX so much for your feedback. @rockstarpr designed it for me. Definitely need to add more content, greater frequency in new year!
@Gadgetress Thanks for the feedback and I'll check out your review too.
@Gadgetress The G1 seemed to be panned. What pushed you toward a buying decision?
@fstop23 BTW nice new photo to go with your new handle.
@greerwylder congratulations on the release of the "best of" guide! and thanks so much for including @greenwala in it!
@sptrobb Thanks for the follow. Look forward to learning more about what you do.


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