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@jnicholea Oh no! I hope it catches up with you soon! I have had the WORST LUCK which is why I haven't checked a bag in about 6 years!
@Geeka Yeah I have a feeling I'll be one of the very few in the building next week. At least I get to hog the lab equipment to myself!
Meh. Bored with experiments. Going to lunch with coworkers instead. :)
I think my husband and I are the only two people in our entire condo building that follow the rules about breaking down cardboard boxes.
The post-docs are throwing ice at the lab techs. I may be the youngest person in the lab age-wise, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most mature.
Test purification of the new shipment of bacteria I just received.
@BrokeAssBride An excellent day to get married! (My wedding was the Sun of Memorial Day, too)
@BrokeAssBride Ugh, I hate that. I have been invited to 7 weddings for this summer. All on May 23rd. ?!?!?
Totally blind courtesy of seven different types of eyedrops at the ophthalmologist. Now all super squinty which hurts face.
@jnicholea Write them in first person plural... I wrote them all (and signed Hubby's name) but said "We were so glad you could attend" etc
@BrokeAssBride Oooh that really sucks. Mine came uncanceled w/ a note saying that they require 84c, but a bunch have already been delivered!
@BrokeAssBride Did you add more postage, or just resend them as is? Why should I add an extra 20c when the rest went through fine???
Totally perplexed why half of my cards were mailed out, and half of the IDENTICAL cards came back to my mailbox requiring more postage?!
I cannot make any sense of this fluorescence polarization data, unless my peptide is forming a dimer. #%$@!!!!
Steelers clinch the AFC North!!! First-round playoff bye!!!
@kelly42 You make this whole pregnancy thing sound way too complicated!
@Geeka Me want. Sadly, I live too close to Baltimore -- I saw several Ravens jerseys at the supermarket today (wore my Ward jersey, natch).
Just finished frying 6 dozen latkes in preparation for next weekend's Chrismukkah party... oy vey!


Dr. Brazen Hussy Geeka Styleygeek Barack Obama Sara Kelly Ellie Moore Kate Etsy Rebekah at EAD jnicholea amiatEAD Pioneer Woman Kasia Fink tiffany justineungaro kim_michelle sciencewoman lucypigpuppet kaymar1e Kelly Nicole smhtorres Isis the Scientist LadyScientist jenny bluefly_com Siena Heart BrokeAssBride / Dana alpcoterie