Albert Maruggi’s Favorites

Jennifer Leggio
mediaphyter Finally feeling hungry. Now, what to eat? Hrmmm.
Shaun Dakin
EndTheRoboCalls I procrastinated reading this article about "how to kick the habit of Procrastinating" -
Geoff Livingston
Albert Maruggi
AlbertMaruggi wolves making outstanding come back within 5
Larry Walker Jr
larrymwalkerjr Video: Obama Late for Senate every day: New Definition of "Present" So does he deserve a promotion?
 C.C. Chapman
cc_chapman Last week @creepysleepy suggested Book Review Friday's. I like that idea. Share what you've read and loved. I'm stil reading Iconoclast.
Mykl Roventine
myklroventine @AlbertMaruggi I'm Mykl Roventine and I approved this endorsement.
Thomas Smith
thomassmith Posted a favorite Fla. image of the month --
Jennifer Leggio
mediaphyter Heading downtown to see the old comedy group perform. Should be a good time. I need a good laugh after this zany week!
smallplaces We put up a 'Free Larvae' sign. They're made out of packaging popcorn. We draw faces on them so each one is unique.
BBC Press Office
bbc_press Nick Cohen: At last, an apology from foolish policemen
Dave Barger
lalunablanca Right sweet spring day for spleeping in (done!) and some (oh, I hate to say it) yard work. Or at least that's the plan.
Scott Monty
ScottMonty @JasonFalls I'll give a listen to Media Bullseye Radio this weekend. Should be a good one!
Mike Keliher
mjkeliher It's called the "strategic oil reserve," not the "comfort-your-troubled-soul oil reserve." If you want to save money on gas, use less of it.
Mike Keliher
mjkeliher Hidden benefit of quick trip to United Hospital: pizza lunch at Cossetta's!


Biz Stone Evan Williams Maggie Mason Wayne Sutton Narendra Dave McClure Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Aubrey Sabala thomasknoll Jon Bohlinger Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Sooz Chaitanya Sagar Victoria Bracknell David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Justine Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Michael Bailey John Wall Dan York Jay Moonah Elisa Camahort Doug Haslam Jim Long Paul Hyland Colleen Wainwright Jason DeBoer-Moran Brian Solis
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