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@PurpleCar yup..worse than that, I hadn't done an update since I bought it initially 10/07 & reloading backup isn't working either. Sigh.
Dear N95, I obviously hurt you on firmware update. Now your no better than..well..a phone to me. I am sorry & think we should start over. :(
@andrewbadera yes, we are both part of the greater Boston/Providence area social media scene. Not sure I have run into him since his #SMBBQ
I may have to start from scratch and hope my Mac synched contacts can be loaded on...then reinstall all the various apps I had.
sigh..I decided to finally update the firmware on my N95. Backup didn't seem to save right cause it crashes on reloading my old files back.
@noddy who is the evil twin?
On my way to my garden clubs holiday party
@cylindrian what are you guys doing for dinner.. eating before or after the gig?
rocking out to angsty Amanda Palmer tunes while eating a sandwich and working :)
RT: @karllong is giving away 10 x $25 gift certificates for - just RT this to enter, will tweet the winners
Weather is pretty mild in new england & am walking to go grab a burrito
@leifhansen GK = Global Kids (, the youth education focused non-profit I work with ( for more info)
@tweetlater Gah! Stop spamming me with DM's...not a good sign about your product if just a follow sends 9 DM's in a row to me.
Great GK meeting full of tasty talk of assessment of 21st century skills in learning & being aware of outcomes & expectations of youth media
gah my stomach is really upset for some reason tonight :(
back from coffee with @chrisbrogan ... chat about virtual worlds, community and he even got to meet my muppet .. hmm that sounds funny.
@xantherus obviously they have no clue about QR codes
@chrisbrogan of course I like Titleist... but I have also got the bias of growing up around them. They do make a mean golf ball too :)
@chrisbrogan there are also some amazing restaurants in the area.. specially if you are in the mood for Portuguese or seafood


Matt Galligan Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Sooz Mark Simpkins Chaitanya Sagar Justine Ruby Sinreich   christine Aldon Hynes Minger Chris Brogan julien Adam Weiss kristen crusius Graham English Whitney Hoffman Harold Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Beth Kanter John Wall Jay Moonah Becky McCray
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