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@ceibner the theme was depression and rain and nicking umbrellas. No, AFTRS has lost it's creativity when it comes to parties :(
... that was probably one party I coulda missed. No nekkid dancers like Customs House tho it was nice to see Rob Antulov, Chris Winter etc.
.. is on her way to AFTRS XMAS party. *hic* Cuddlin' up to the film luvvies. *burp* are quite good, aren't they? Google recommended them on their Help page. Vertical search FTW?
@nz_rob what would I do?? I done it already :P
Anyone looking to employ IPTV/digital/Internet broadcast platform manager, looking for next 3G/2.0/Triple Play challenge? If so DM @zbender
@lexiphanic WAKE UP!!!! the bus is going passed your stop. WAKE UP!!11!!!
@chrisbrogan Pity poor us(read: everyone else in the world). Pandora blocked the rest of the world cos of that st00pid law. :(
@JayOatway Goodness Gracious! Doesn't South Korea have the iPhone yet? You shoulda got it before we (Australia) did! o.O
@leehopkins *pats @leehopkins on the head* so cute, I want one as a pet. (note: see tweet before and then it MIGHT make sense :P)
@velociroflcopt *pats the dinosaur on the head* so cute, I want one for a pet :P
uhoh. I can feel an attack of the 'Divas' coming on. Quick! clear the Twitter room! waaaah!
@maadonna are they an elf, at the North Pole? Just wondering - I always figure Mattel/Hasbro people to be Santas helpers :)
Does anyone know anyone at Mattel or Hasbro or similar? I'm looking for a contact. And no, not for Xmas presents :P Plz retweet? *hugs*
Grrrrrrrrrr I HATE Drivewide and Widecircles. *makes a fist* Parasitic spammers on my blog comments. *smacks the naughty spamz0rs*
@mark_neely Am checking as we speak. :P
PLEASE NOTE: running a load thru the washing machine with a Kleenex tissue in the pocket of your jeans will give added bonus of CONFETTI.
rt @funkycoda: @silkcharm you are teh awesomeness :) ..... (whaat? whaaaat? I can retweet that one, can't I? someone should! :P)
if you, or anyone you know, need a Sharepoint Dynamics guru (Australias #1), contact @jodiem. Or else. :P
w00t! Another happy customer. I like those kinds of phone calls. *pats herself on the back* I can haz Chrissie prezziez now? *hopeful*


Evan Williams danah boyd Wayne Sutton om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Serdar KiliƧ Pat Peter Howard Molly E. Holzschlag Saurabh Garg Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Greg Lexiphanic alan jones John Tropea Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Beth Kanter Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Nic Hodges Michael Newby Craig Childs lisa Alex de Carvalho Andreas Lienemann Antonio Altamirano
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