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Noice, @justjeff is joining @cbasturea and I in the @converseon chess club
Y'all should be so lucky to work with an @cbasturea - dude is brainy (though I should point out I'm better at chess than him)
@hollyrhoffman I'm a Yogi Tea fan, but feel like a big girl thanks to its hippy marketing. Current Tea tells me to 'prepare while humming'
@srobinson big deal mate! Good luck today
@kmaverick not only one of the funniest live acts I've seen, but also a career path I'd like to pursue at some point
LOVE @philgomes post 'In defense of a purist' exactly where I strive to be day to day
@kmaverick I think I've seen them live... does it involve 'puppetry' ?
"The quality of ideas isn't a factor in whether or not you'll be in a position to have a chance to sell those ideas"Godin
Pheeeew, long arse day at work, leaving now. December is plan, plan, plan - I'd rather do, do, do and go home earlier ;)
@abfdc good point! but you're implying Aussie politicians are as sophisticated as yourself ;)
A new high-profile blog from the Aussie govt interesting, but it only runs for 18 days... confusing option
@jitters Resch's Dinner Ale no longer being served?? Say it ain't so!
@trib @servantofchaos won't be long till it turns the corner, look @steven_noble's Forrester report. Wish we had more pos. egs to brag about
@trib @servantofchaos you guys are reminding me why I work over here :)
RT @Busymom: Not everything needs a retweet.
@AndreaGenevieve lol - well @cbasturea and I just got dumped from the @converseon bash when it was moved to after when we leave the country
@M_Hickinbotham hahaahaha too true mate - luckily we'll all be back in Syd for xmas (this year)
Just served as an intermediary (in NY - 1.30pm) to have my mum (in Sydney - 5.30am) call my sister (in London - 7.30pm)
@dentonmd in this Forrester case - through survey research, same methodology could be applied to compare apples to apples


Biz Stone Noah danah boyd Tara missrogue Hunt Dan Patterson mdy srah David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel kristen crusius Leslie Madsen-Brooks Beth Kanter Dan York Elisa Camahort Robert French Doug Haslam Michael O'CC Alex de Carvalho sera  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman  Chris Heuer Michael Specht Tom Guarriello ben barren Stephen Collins Andrea Weckerle Busy Mom Nichelle Chet Gulland Matthew Caldecutt Vanessa Stacy Peter Bartlett Bernie Goldbach neville
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