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raking leaves all day hurts like @#$!.
"don't really know what I'm doing-watchin myself in some play"
Seen on doorfront, rural north GA: Be gone or be shot.
Overheard @ overlook, rural Georgia: I gotta take lotsa pictures- mah husband is in JAY-UHL!!
Memphis tourism board has a bad job of the pickup truck
Just avoided a 4 ft tumbleweed blowing across Tx Hwy 180.
rain on West End
No lines nor shortages anywhere in W Nashville. Makes one think it never happened.
Murphy Rd shell has gas for $3.99!
today's playlist begins with "Seven Days"
Jason's Deli downtown stopped carrying Dublin Dr Pepper. >:-(
Seen on a tshirt worn by a FINE individual, here at BNA: "If no one will play with you, play with yourself." Oh my.
Finally seeing The Dark Knight.
@jpinnix any word on when he'll go home?
@goggans i agree... though isn't there a place to weed stuff out of the wall/stream/thingy?
@harryfrank did you stay up and watch the Perseids shower?
hey, i think they just recently bolded the wall "status" updates on Facebook.