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is on the air talking about why 'Faith Equals Fertility.' See
is glad that threatened winter storm was not so bad after all. Working through piles of end-of-year work. I need more year in my year.
is on the air, concerned that when people get to church, driven by economic distress, they hear the Gospel, not just more financial advice.
is on the air now talking about The New York Times story on churches having an upswing in attendance due to recession.
is going on the air for interview with Neil Conan for 'Talk of the Nation' on NPR, National Public Radio, to discuss Newsweek controversy.
is on a conference call. The road to hell is paved with conference calls. Love means never having to say "please hold."
is listening to music of Antonio Lotti and reading a stack of reports and articles and materials that stacked up in a sneak attack.
is with Christopher eating at new Mexican restaurant. I think Mexican is perfect Christmas food. Chistopher agrees.
is enjoying lunch after teaching Hebrews 1:1-4. Big power outage interrupted with total blackout. Who thought no windows was a good idea?
is working through ton of mail and printed material. Saturday is a great day. The week needs more than one of them I say.
enjoyed dinner with my wonderful wife, reflecting on events of the day. This has been an incredible week.
is on air to talk about study Bibles and Bible translations. Will have Justin Taylor as guest.
is preparing for commencement tomorrow -- always a moving experience. Will set over 200 graduates loose on the world for Christ.
was on the Frank Beckmann Show on WJR this morning (more Newsweek issue) and now getting ready for graduation reception. Lots of happiness.
is going on the air with 'Ask Anything Wednesday.' Should be interesting. Lots of fall-out from the Newsweek story. Stay tuned.
is fascinated by this conversation with Laura Ingram & (surprise) Lisa Miller. I think Lisa is refuting her own argument better than I can.
is in studio. Laura Ingram's producer called and Lisa Miller was a no-show anyway. Very interesting. On the air right now. I love radio.
is back on -- going on the Laura Ingram Program right NOW.
* is NOT going on The Laura Ingram Show right now because Lisa Miller of Newsweek backed out of debating me on-air. Go figure.
is about to go on the air to talk about college choices in the new economy. Should be a good conversation with folks.