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need sleep but theres too much to be done. what to do?
@gpelz I think this video sums up the weather situation in Denver nicely
Just finished a photo shoot for @ronlewhorn 's band, crossover. 40 mins till show starts!
@jdevl It's not a hatchback. You'll be the outsider among the hatchbacks. Looks sharp, well done!
A ridiculous and unfortunate security leak by the McCain campaign -
My newest favorite design blog:
@mitchmaxson i saw a video recently about how they do the 3d objects onto 2d- pretty wicked!
Another example of Obama using web to reach his audience. Hopefully this is a step forward -
@jdevl 5 words, online ordering in your underwear
shown to me awhile back by @mitchmaxson ... hunt flickr for CC images based on multiple color picks!
pondering actually decorating my twitter tonight... might be about time
@ronlewhorn ahahah google actually recommends "See results for: creed"
google "the worst band in the world" and see what the top search result is
Is myspace dead? Good thing they branched out to music and other things before their core audience jumped ship
@kimberleyanne i'm the only friend you need!
@jdevl freakin awesome, reminds me of the incredible machine RT @jdevl - Play Auditorium
@gpelz life is great over here- what a fantastic coincidence, that our jobs fields overlap so much :-) becoming quite the denver SM guru!
Interesting ongoing wikipedia entry... didn't know many of these even existed!
wow peter schiff needs to be in obama's cabinet RT @scottyhendo ..Peter Schiff the only sane mind...
avante garde typeface.. so not avant garde anymore. tired of seeing those damn slanty A's on designs like they're original