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@Tosus when you send your file to me, can you send the back up recording? i think can't seem to recover my file but I kind of have an idea
No sleeping...need to take a nap....g'night folks
Putting audacity away, even though I am putting this file together piece by piece. This will take awhile But now I study
putting you away twitter so i can study for the night
@MissAdele Oh yeah, your right! She wasn't annoying in Razor, but nothing to write home about your mother about.
@MissAdele really? She doesn't really annoy me in Sarah Connor I just wonder where I have seen her before.
@Jeff112 I'm always right hehehe
@cacklebery the only way she could do what she wants is to manage to single handily kill or reprogram Cameron., how harde can it be? :)
@yonundrum who am I kidcding, shes the most entertaining aspect of the series, a bit of an idiot, and a jerk, but fun to watch
You know what Jessie from Sarah Connor, I don't like you very much, no matter how much I dig the Ausie accent
What--thats not---noooooooooooo
See, Jessie, awesome :)
Gah! I don't' care about some random character and her issues, go back to Cameron and John for frak's sake!
Downloaded new itunes does anyone know how to return to the normal list of podcasts? This is weird
Twitter poll: Would you rather hear about films about films, or scifi films of the early 1980s?
Studying...okay I'm not sleeping for the next 48 hoiurs
Next problem: Dealing with echos when someone is laughing while someone is talking and you can hear the echo
Must stop....being...proud of myself..must....stop...smiling thehehehehe
@RobinTWP Not to be confused with the British sci-fi tv show Survivors


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