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@mgrimes I think that there's enough infrastructure from the major ISPs and NSPs already (to) do it and OSwise but cable/dsl routers suck.
@mgrimes, I've been doing ipv6 a long time (NetBSD==woot). SIXXS is nice but need more POPs instead of losing them.
@mgrimes, they need to do a lights out with IPv4, like they did with analog tv stations in the US. IANA should not give out anymore swips.
dicking around with boxee for no apparent reason...
going to go see 007 at 9:40am... hopefully without the baby-brigade in the theater destroying my Bondness.
@edelaney05 dude, went to the apple store looking for you to give you the letter of exceptional service but you weren't there anymore!
hating life, see my lj
@lisamac ——————
@xstarfly82 I went to the apple store today and got to play with the new macbook. I approve, but it had a scratch on the back! evil.
@ragdoll congrats holly!
@jimmyb no, G4/G5 ppc still lives
@yorgle, just using the top 25, try to envision how much RIAA made off of them to date. Then think about what the artists actually got.
@julietmariet but you're doing good, except for your car. did you kill the person who did it yet?
@stockmarket, don't you understand that you're going to make Bush cry if you keep tormenting him?
@stockmarket, you suck... I saw you -900, then -700. Probably only because computer buying kicked in to keep it from sliding further.
@pasquinade not with out dinner and a movie first!
What I've been working on...


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