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@swirlspice and in a _very_ special section of hell
On 2nd thought, 45min on the tradmill downstais would also be adequate
forcing myself to go back out in the crappy weather and go skating @ the dome
@halcyonstorm et al: I wonder if they serve 'nasty' doughnuts there.... ;-)
hee hee, the MN Craft Beer Winterfest is now sold out! (now I just have to decide who I'm going to bring with me! )
scored my Winterfest tickets! w00t!
@MSPdude at least you have your phone to amuse you
not having much luck being productive... would much rather be going out for bloody mary's and breakfast
My hair hurts.
@kkanester I'm glad I'm not the only one who's mind went directly into the gutter w/ @DanikaH 's tweet
@shortyawards I nominate @sockington for a Shorty Award in #humor because
So I bought this glass of wine for a cute boy. And by bought I mean got from the host bar. And then he said he doesn't drink anymore. Sigh.
That merlot tasted like fermented Koo-Aid
looking up the word 'occassioning', just to see if its a real word. apparently, it is.
highly suspicious of the text regarding unusal activity on my US Bank account. especially since I don't have a US Bank account.
@kkanester we just ordered another round and @marthayoung is joining us.


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