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Brew McCloud schools you on sitting!
Happy American Thanksgiving to alla my twitter pals! GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE TURKEY MAKE NOISE
Yes, we can all agree that INDY 4 was awesome.
I declare the new STAR TREK trailer to be PRETTY NEATO.
CNN should turn THE SITUATION ROOM into THE HOLOGRAM ROOM. I would watch. (Also, GOBAMA!)
He confuses Green Lantern with Green Hornet... but he still should be our president.
How low can she go? THIS LOW: http://www.sorethumbsonline...
Pssst... tell all your Obama-hating Republican friends to vote for Bob Barr.
Hiro + Ando 4EVR
I think I'm switching back to Firefox. I miss the Alexa toolbar too much. I need to know INSTANTLY which sites I'm supposed to look down on.
I am typing this from GOOGLE CHROME. It's like I've walked into a Scott McCloud comic book come to life! On acid!
Who the heck is SARAH PALIN?!
Yes, we can. (Hopefully!)
For those of you in the comics press: yes, WOWIO is late in paying us for Q2. They owe us $11,451.50.
Bobby playing poker with Kevin Smith again in LA tonight. Weeeiiirrrdd.
@pvponline Um, they did that already. SUPERMAN RETURNS? They even made his costume darker. At least Batman's not a deadbeat dad (probably).
I mangatized my avatar due to pixelized peer pressure. Wiiiiiiiiiii.
HOORAY! My mom has recovered and is finally back at home! Thanks for your well wishing, everybody.


Jason Calacanis Janina Rex Sorgatz The Mustache Rangers John Edwards rstevens Michael Pennie Scott Kurtz Jason Salsbury Paul Southworth Ray Merkler Chris Layfield Chris Pirillo Brandon J. Carr Danielle Corsetto D.J. Coffman Scott Johnson Scott Christian Sava Rico Jeffrey Carl Faden Kel McDonald Alan Gardner Nathaniel Payne Pierre-Luc Brunet Barack Obama Kris Straub sohmer Lar deSouza Wil Wheaton Rev Wilder Neil Patel Tim Fischer Aric McKeown Ben Wilson Jonathan Coulton Sanjaya Malakar
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