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Puttin' up the tree and cleaning/decorating the house. All that's missing is the snow, but supposedly we could get that, even!
Ok, now I REALLY won't complain about the internet when I go back to school in January. Roadrunner's having issues in FIVE STATES. ><
@sarahthatsme I haven't changed *my* picture. At least not yet. Haha! :D
Too many updates to go back and read through. But I'm safe and sound back in Bakersfield now, suffice it to say. ^^
@iamian I really should stop complaining, huh? Lol, I'm such a whiner, I know it
T-minus 2 days and counting. Last test done, off to breakfast with my roomies. ^^ And CONGRATULATIONS to Valerie and Chase! 'Bout time! :D
And now, to bed, for I have but one test left until the semester is officially over. ^___________^
I'm seriously going to have words with management and Eli the Internet Guy. (100 points to whoever can guess the semi-reference! :D )
I am so sick of the internet in this place. I'm paying top dollar for a supposedly top notch place, so WHY does the internet suck so badly?!
Just need to push a few things and start building a portfolio. I FINALLY have a few things that can go in it with a little work. So excited!
So the booklet wasn't as amazing/popular as the info cards were, but it was still moderately successful.
Speaking of which, forgetting to convert all my images to CMYK = epic fail.
T-minus 3 days and counting. Turning in final graphic design project in 24 minutes.
I'm seriously proud of myself. These past two projects have been way fun and way successful. I'm excited to show it off tomorrow.
Don't know if I already 'splained it, but it's a 24-page, 8"x8" booklet, the contents of which are pics I've taken and Muse lyrics.
Feeling a bit better after a couple hours of sleep earlier. Working on a mini-bio for Muse, as per my final project.
T-minus 4 days and counting...and chalk up another night of no sleep. I think I'll crash until my 3pm class. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Don't m3ss w17h t3h ch1k1ns...xD
Lol I want one of these for Christmas:
Oh, and it FINALLY dumped a few inches of snow on us in the middle of the night. Yay!