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@OmniGraffle I'm looking for a setting to change the background color of the stencil window from green to white? Does it exist?
@argonaut i agree. i feel boring as hell when i look at what i post on twitter. oh well.
More context on the LoFi/HiFi wireframing issue:
@brownorama I find rounded corners to be good indicators of things like buttons, tags, compleyed addresses in inputs. That kind of thing.
@brownorama My wireframes become hifi when vis design is approved, esp when I do both. Atypical, but faster.
@jakks I get in this habit of putting little boxes inside boxes and have to pull back to see what I've done, as when sketching/painting.
Resisting urge to put rounded corners on boxes
Son is reminding me how many days until Christmas every day. He thinks I'm getting him a pet rock. I'm trying to get him excited about it.
Bust Craftacular was cool. Back to relax and watch kids movies.
In line at bust craftacular.
@andrewkorf yeah. need to get son a circuitry kit for xmas. we have lego mindstorms, but i think i bought it too early.
I fetishize productivity tools.
Blogged today's Creative Mornings on physical computing:
Turned on rich text editing in my blog, but toggling it off by default because hand coding HTML in entries is better.
Shipped the last of the version 1 wireframe graphpaper.
IE6 is really bad for a front end developer's self esteem
Loving Gmail Tasks. I went from Google Notebook to Things to OmniFocus. Now doing long term planning in OmniFocus, daily in Gmail Tasks.
@imogenheap happy birthday. i'll listen to you today to celebrate you. have a wonderful day! you rock.


Evan Williams Chris Baum peterme Mr Messina Thomas Vander Wal Brad Lauster victor zambrano Victor Lombardi John Niedermeyer Emily Chang Kevin Cheng Joshua Kaufman erin beep Stephen Collins leisa Nick Finck seanaes Ian Fenn Liz Danzico Jack Cheng Jess McMullin MoJoe Bruno Monteiro guspim nate steiner Eric Vitiello Christophe Stoll Tanya cone johnson jjg AndrewH Livia Labate Kit Seeborg Peter dave burke
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