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PECCADILLO—minor sin or offense. I committed many peccadillos in my high school years...but now I'm an angel.
PULCHRITUDE—beauty. How can things with such pulchritude sound so revolting? ...sorry, lame.
I see a shopping spree at Rainbow in my near future. Thanks a million @maubrowncow.
I have some fun ones today... GRE word of the morning: PUSSILANIMOUS—cowardly. The pussilanimous man was afraid of the puny animal.
wearing: long sleeve shirt, sweater, scarf, sweatpants, socks, slippers, and blanket in the house; drinking hot rooibos. wtf?
Word of the hour: SOPORIFIC—causing sleep or lethargy
GRE word of the hour: PEREGRINATE—to wander from place to place; to travel, especially on foot...verb form of peripatetic.
GRE word of the hour: PERIPATETIC—wandering from place to place, especially on foot. Her peripatetic meanderings took her everywhere.
GRE word of the hour: COTERIE—an intimate group of persons with similar purpose; clique.
GRE word of the hour: CLOYING—sickly sweet; excessive. Mat and Steph's cloying affection often makes their friends ill. =) not really
GRE word of the hour: IMPECUNIOUS—poor; without money. I'm too impecunious to buy xmas gifts. =(
Word of the hour: CONTUMACIOUS—rebellious, insubordinate, mutinous, seditious.
brie, comte and blue cheese for dinner last night; cookies and donut for breakfast today. I wonder whats for lunch?
Hot cup of Rooibos is an excellent compliment to my polynomials, inequalities, square roots, and algebraic fractions.
@Heddaville Great time last! So glad I was able to meet up, even if it was late. I'll join you soon to polish off that Bourbon.
Question: does Potrero Hill have more mosquitoes then other parts of the city? What are they doing hanging around in December? Bastards.
@maubrowncow Hard Knox on a Saturday? Wow, you must have really been craving some fried chicken.
I thought a grilled salmon 'BLT' with green salad and pesto dip was a healthy choice. So why does my tummy hurt? Damn Ramp
Severe lack of focus—4:30pm—So much to do—Is it time to go home yet!