Anna’s Favorites

hotdogsladies 2 penguins standing on a ice floe. First goes, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo." Other one goes, "Who says I'm not?" #garrisonkeillor
Sarah Glassmeyer
sglassmeyer Turkey is roasted this year. Calling it dressing because it remains outside of the bird the way God and Alton Brown intended.
Michael Casey
michaelcasey The center holds, so they say / It never held too well for me / I won't stop short for common ground / that vilifies the trodden down
jessamyn west
jessamyn Me: in the locker room, wet & getting dressed. Other naked lady in locker room: "So, what is the difference between bluetooth and blue ray?"
Kory M.
korym Reading up on Nagios via Uof R's online Safari subscription. W00t! :)))
Wil Wheaton
wilw From my perch house left, I can see @hodgman, backstage left. He is NOT eating hobo chili, as far as I can tell. Kinda wished he was.
Wil Wheaton
wilw This is awesome: geeks outnumber hipsters about 3:1 here. Calculus > calculated irony.
Ryan Deschamps
RyanDeschamps My mind is being blown over and over again today. Need some time to keep it all in.
Cliff Landis
clifflandis Can I just say how awesome, kind, and generous the people I know are? I'm floored each day by the awesomeness of my friends. You all win.
leachea_79 I feel like we're chasing our tails trying to come up with a solution for managing e-resources.
Wil Wheaton
wilw @joshuamneff Hahaha. I see what you did there.
Christa Burns
cjburns @anna_c are you sure you're at an Oktoberfest and not at some warped '80s wedding reception?
Wil Wheaton
wilw Brain: ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I'mgonnagetcha! Me: Blondie? Stop it. Brain: Don't blame me. Blame Rock Band 2. Me: iTunes? Little help here?
Chris Patterson
PhatBoyG #twitter1998 Can anybody loan me $13 to fill the tank on my Honda Civic? it's currently on empty.
Joshua M. Neff
joshuamneff Is anyone sober at #il2008 ?
cindi me n @cohen <3 @anna_c and @infosciphi and wish u were here.
Wil Wheaton
wilw RT @seanmc74 "An old man dispensing swords is no basis for a system of government" Winner. Best. Tweet. Ever. I salute you, sir! (Ni!)
Wil Wheaton
wilw McCain's the kinda guy who would sell you an Orc Barbarian sword, and tell you it's a Giant Ninja sword, my friends.


jessamyn west Kaia Technorati Lisa McKay hotdogsladies Benjamin Stürmer Andy Morton Christiana Ellis Connie Crosby David Lee King amanda etchesjohnson Greg Schwartz rochelle hartman Rachel Vacek David Fiander K.G. Schneider Michael Sauers Evo Terra Eliza Sea Iris Holly B. Michael Porter Michelle Boule Aaron W. Dobbs David Free cindi Krista Godfrey Wil Wheaton Jason Griffey Cliff Landis Heather Smith Chrystie Hill Thomas Vincent Ryan Deschamps Emily Lloyd Karen Coombs
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