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ok it's wednesday ERGO hump day - the middle of the hill in a long freakin week - now it is all down hill - or if you have a dirty mind . .
hoping my friend Magina is having a fantabulous time on her trip and that she drinks lots of happy juice for me this weekend!
It's Thursday - I got nothin. Just thought i would say hi to everyone out there and remind them the week is ALMOST done
mc nuggets . mmm so my son is sick today - means i get to leave work early to sit with sick kid and play POGO on the laptop - woo hoo!
it is monday, sounds like everyone had a fabulous weekend! Now to get my head back into work . . . hehe i wonder if that will EVER happen
i feel i must agree with mazerlodge. It is early but yet, it is time to start bumping them to next week, the brain cannot stay focused
Other than that savoring the beautiful day and remembering that it is FRIDAY and the weekend is here
I enlisted into Readiness - I am excited yet nervous that the days go by fast and that soon it will be time to leave for basic
ok so we have decided twittering gina is not good at, but i have news - a week ago today i swore into the Air National Guard - wooo hooo!
WOOHOO! Now I just need to swear in for Air National Guard! I am excited and nervous all at the same time!
Lost in thought . . the bridge fall was devastating, everyone is safe that i know, Still waiting to hear if Duluth has a career open for ANG
discover i am horrible at twitted! Excellent news though - hubby got a job! And i am waiting for the recuiter to call back so i can enlist
It's monday! Started it off with pilates! Had a great weekend - hit the zoo, went to panera for lunch, bought the new harry potter and chill
You mean you dont go to work to play on the internet and take personal calls? dammit! i am doing this all wrong!
i HATE wednesday afternoons, no managers with two tweedle dees and tweedle dumbs - freakin suxs to be the one working!
OK food for thought - is it a full moon or what?!?!? this is possibly the longest week I have had in a long time, the days drag by soo slow
and mazerlodge has a great idea - i am all for waterproof cell phones - the greatest ideas come while taking a shower
TENSION . . . WHAT TENSION?!??!?!!? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT . . (all hair is being pulld out)
I called the sgt to set up the test - left a message.Just for the record I think I know why i have hearing loss - she is in the corner cube!
my mind is boggled - do i enlist and wait for the officer position or do i go and take the test and try to enlist as an officer . . . mmmm


Paul Tina Alex cole1201