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But hoping there may be some treatment that will ease her pain without causing any more, and give us a bit more time with her.
Getting ready to take Sally to vet oncologist. Rick and I decided probably doesn't make sense to take heroic efforts given age, arthritis.
@MikeG1: a few app reinstalls is nothing compared to starting over with a Leopard erase and install. Despite my complaints, it mostly works.
Switched to twhirl after leopard jinxed twitterific. Nice!
backing up websites today and migrating to new web host -- hoping I don't run into problems like yesterday
Sally's cancer confirmed. Calling veterinary oncologist. Chemotherapy for dogs isn't as insane as it sounds, could give her a few good mos.
Moving my Togetherism site to a new host, GoDaddy is too slow to host Drupal. Will probably move WP sites too.
@tcpeter: thx, am still waiting to hear whether Sally has lymphoma -- if she does, chemo might give us some more months with her.
argg @trib cursed me NeoOffice doesn't work either!
@trib: I'm praying I don't have to do that! What apps didn't work?
@trib: I did archive and install, worked okay enough. Didn't want to spend hours re-adding applications and settings.
@monkchips: yes, photos, good suggestion. Am working on site today. Next book? I dunno. I like web publishing better than book authoring.
Keep discovering stuff that doesn't work after upgrading to Leopard. Today: Fireworks. Reinstalling now.
@bokardo: thanks for the shoutout! :)
doggie Sally likely has canine lymphoma :( will know for sure within a couple days
I think I have a blogging plan now, let's see if it sticks
@bmichelson: they said it may be pancreatitis, can be fatal, but she is not anywhere near ready to go, v. energetic and healthy otherwise
My 13 y.o. doggie Sally is at vet today for abdominal ultrasound, fingers crossed they figure out why she won't eat and seems in pain
@aqualung: feels good to be in the flow again, hope it lasts this time (tho I got a lot of personal stuff handled in past few weeks)


Nitin Ken Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Coty Rosenblath Susan Scrupski Joanne Wan l.m. orchard John Tropea Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Elisa Camahort Emily Chang Elliott Pesut Ryan Stewart Brian Solis Danny Ayers Ted Leung bear frank Stephen Collins Liz Henry Nancy White leisa Mike Brown Ron K Jeffries Jeff Barr Audrey Stephanie Booth cote Craig Cmehil Nigel James James Governor ryan dan mcweeney Alex King
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