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I think in the next experiment our model will still be best. If not, I'll have an interesting but very different paper. Woo, science!
I just implemented improved competitors for our model of how adjectives work, and our model no longer is the best. Um, oops?
@hmason yay surprises! yay birthdays! yay old! er, wait... :) still, I'm apparently also old, so -- yay old!
@mactavish and I have this idiotic superstition that saying that will jinx it. But, you know, that's my hopeful schedule. :)
@mactavish I'm hoping to graduate in the spring, but it may be summer.
I've worked more this weekend (incl. Fri. night) than most weeks. I'm so proud. Suspect my life will continue this way throughout thesis.
@dan4th "duh" is not a very good justification, but in cases of monkeys it will be accepted.
@dan4th "page not found". :( I wanna read about dolphins! also, are you happy that I am now talking about more interesting things than soup?
which fictional world would you most like to live in? least?
which would be awesomer to possess as part of your anatomy: prehensile trunk or prehensile tail?
@dan4th oh. right. well, I frequently pay >= $8 for a salad at Sebastian's, so soup seems cheap. You just need to frame it right. ;)
@dan4th I think it's cheaper at Stata. That seems about on par with off-campus soup prices, though.
@dan4th where are you buying your chowder?
well, as long as I'm going to be all wakeful, maybe Ira Glass wants to keep me company.
i can has sleep? plz?
also:need MUCH warmer biking gear. ARGH COLD. okay, enough about biking now I promise. Possibly more about cute chicks? I am at Diesel
Can also possibly pick up cute chicks, except I think the one I gave my # was straight. Still, potential bike buddy! No time for more anyway
Just left final bike repair class. I can fix/replace/adjust: brakes, hubs, tubes, chain, derailers, at least in theory. Need more practice.
why? why can i not sleep? this following on 30+ hours of awakeness on thurs/fri. is my body boycotting sleep? if so, its demands are unclear
@hmason w00t! 6 miles! Go you! :) I ran today, too (3 mi). Yay running & snow! (only yay because I hear it won't stick.)


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