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@snarkwife And 7 y.o. is suspiciously healthy as a horse. I'm suspecting she's a walking petri dish, just spreading the love.
@snarkwife My eyes were tearing up for nearly 10 minutes afterward. I'm so tired of this cold crap. My second one in a month.
New blog post I Plead the 5th
Sneezing 8 times in a row is not as fun as it sounds.
@misszoot I would say 5 days. I tend to record M-F and watch on the weekend.
Day 3 of rhinovirus from hell. Or "How much mucous can one human produce?"
@felicitea ???? Still waking up dear?
Bad head cold. Went through one box of Kleenex already.
I thought I had one more cup of @felicitea 's Holiday Spice Tea left. Alas, it is not to be found. This saddens me.
@misszoot Good for you. Like I commented there, we've gone as far as a week between (possibly more, hey, we get busy)
One Nintendo DS found, one still MIA. Turns out my 10 y.o.'s glasses turned up as well. The day is finally looking up.
Came home from a wake, wanted to get dressed for TKD. CRAP! Dobok still damp in washer. Will it be dry in 20 minutes?
She is running up quite the tally of things lost at swim practice.
10 y.o. lost her glasses at swim practice. I'm not talking to her right now because I might say some very ugly things if I do.
@AskDrDing and we wonder why the term "Chicago politician" is derogatory.
Up, but it's raining. And cold. And early.
Nuggnuts is following me!
@rialeilani I hate it when I do that.
eating yummy bing cherries
@skwigg It still looks great!


Jason Calacanis Zoot Busy Mom Mac Stacy danielphillip Paul Parkinson Barack Obama FSM catraggedy Rude Cactus Melissa Summers Alice Bradley Molly Wood Yvonne PZ Myers Fountain of Filth Shay Atheist QOTD Rachel R AskDrDing felicitea shutterblog oldsillybear Rachele D. skwigg divaquest rialeilani jennibaker08 jared ShoppingGirl lushlathers Daniel Gasteiger amalah yodaddymama jayedee