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@kevindonahue At least it's Taco Night! lymtiii
More Christmas related errands, including the dreaded post office on the busiest mailing day of the year. APC FTW!
Maybe it's bragging, but I really do think I came up with a great idea for our Christmas card this year. ;-)
@snarkwife Oh, how I miss Blue Fish!
I didn't realize that @kevindonahue has never seen "Madagascar", so we're watching it now before we watch the sequel.
No matter what @kevindonahue says, I'm pretty sure the words AREN'T "down through the village w/ a corn cob up his butt". Just sayin'.
Getting take-out from Abuelo's for dinner. Good Mexican food FTW!!!
It sure seems like they've found Caylee Anthony's body.
Glad I don't have to go anywhere today. The weather's about to get NASTY.
I'm the only person I know who can injure herself while wrapping presents. Sheesh.
Having a hard time remembering where I hid all of @kevindonahue's presents.
1st round of Xmas cards in the mail, 1st round of presents wrapped....all in all, a productive day!
@J_SOL Take it from someone who knows: it's ABSOLUTELY possible.
@CamilleCooper Hmmmm....our AC just kicked on b/c it's 78 degrees in our house. NO FAIR!!!
@snarkwife HATEthe Ferrero Rocher commercials. They have a doorbell, which never fails to set the dogs off.
Lots of Christmas-type errands today.
Soooooo glad I don't have Brighthouse. Hooray for DirecTV!
@snowchel Has @kevindonahue been to your house recently? ;-)
@BrokenFiction The Oozinator cracks me up. "Major pumping required" indeed.