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Obama appoints Nobel Prize-winning physicist as Energy Secretary. Hallefuckinglujah.
I can't even begin to describe this. Just watch it.
@stevenf They have to compress the electricity as it goes in so that it will fit in the teeny tiny battery. Duh.
@philwheat Yeah, I know some of OBT guys, and I'm prepared to be underwhelmed. But I still want it!
Playstation Home launches open beta tomorrow. That would be the one day of the week I'm not at home all day, then. Bloody typical.
Incredibly appears to *not* be an elaborate joke by the Copyleft crowd. What do you reckon, 2 weeks before shutdown?
WASTELAND Book 5 plotted. Christ, this one's going to kill me.
Great GUARDIAN tributes to Oliver Postgate, videos and pics: &
Oliver Postgate died in the night. Bugger.
@Sk8j There are people who say otherwise? Have you checked their pulse?
@McKelvie Sounds to me like you got off lightly.
@Robwilliams71 If you can get an Aeron for £340, it's a bargain. They often go for 600+. I'm very happy with my Humanscale, though.
@sispurrier This is a Local PO, for Local people. Not a chance it was mandated from on high. Our postmaster simply has no taste.
Sexy Dancing Saxophone Santa robot in the post office on permanent loop. I feel violated. And a sudden urge to buy a chainsaw.
@Robwilliams71 Think of it this way: half the price of a computer that you'll probably use for 3 years max. But a quality chair will last 10
@andydiggle This cup of coffee is worth than my house, in the current climate.
@Robwilliams71 Free shipping. Bought it from Office Furniture Warehouse on eBay:
Had new desk chair for 6 weeks. Verdict: awesome. Cheap chairs are a false economy.
@jasonaaron Dude, by this stage Wolverine could shoot unicorns out his ass and someone would be able to cite a prior example of canon.


John Gruber budgie Andrew Wheeler Twitterrific Steven Frank Trish Mulvihill Benjamin Read Han Q Duong Cabel M. Sasser Kelly Sue DeConnick Lauren Warren Ellis Laurenn McCubbin Michael Dietsch Kieron Gillen Christine Norrie chadmichaelward Dan Evans III mattfraction jillallyn Marcia Allass Cultured Code cnySrettiwT CharlieChu Marshall McLuhan Jamie McKelvie drewgilbert MIGHTYFROGBEAST Jason Aaron Si Spurrier Andy Diggle mtbradner brubaker