Ben Templesmith’s Favorites

Ben Templesmith
Templesmith Yes, I just wished radioactive cancerous tumours on Shia LeBooof, Paris Hilton & Uwe Boll apparently.
Warren Ellis
warrenellis @sherimonk Why would I spend good money on Canadian whisky when I can just go and get a dog to piss in my mouth for free?
lizbt @Templesmith Face blood is the best blood.
Justin Riley
JCRiley @Templesmith His nipples could repel ICBMs. That's why we won the Cold War. Gorbachev=weak nipples.
seangrimm @templesmith you forced me to google "batman rape" the film you talk of is called The Death of Batman (2003); not the same director
chris eliopoulos
Ben Templesmith
Templesmith Jesse Jackson is crying.
Rick Rodriguez
workingclassdog @templesmith you just had the best twitter of the night, sir.
Greg Hyatt
GregHyatt @templesmith Thank you, sir. I'm quite proud.
Ben Templesmith
Templesmith it's going to be nice living in a country that embraces it's noblest ideals again.
B. Clay Moore
bclaymoore I really never thought I'd live to see the day. I'm sort of stunned. Moved.
10zlaine @templesmith you're replacing Tennant, aren't you
Brea Grant
breagrant @templesmith hope to meet you today. i'm at the expo too!
Dan Curtis Johnson
dcurtisj @templesmith cannibalism is not a civil rights issue. it's a logistics problem.
seangrimm @templesmith Gotcha. Also, thanks for showing me what a dead werewolf getting bummed looks like. Always wanted to know.
Q_dog @templesmith but then we'll have a mirror shortage a they all put their money in front of mirrors to double it. and envision the crisis gone
Troy Stith
TroyStith @templesmith the lips came from Canada, the genitals came from the US, and the hooves came from Mexico.
Jason Cox
freakyfudge @templesmith LeBoeuf's secret to success involves mouse ears, knee pads, and large quantities of vaseline.
Greg Carter
GregCarter @templesmith The mysteries of the arse are myriad and will never be completely solved. So you've got that going for you. Which is nice.


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