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@reportermom Actually read that and thought of you.
Overheard in the newsroom: "Ma'am, I hope so. We're talkin' on the record." *chuckle*
I are done w/story. Twas touching. Wonder how many readers will cry. 12:24 a.m. Headed a casa.
Victory! I made it thru the day/semester. Back @ work @ 11:15 to work on story. w00t!
I'm about to go kick some Mass Media Research I final azz.
@mikoism Finals and deadlines at work. Oh, and research papers.
@mikoism Doing OK. Once I get to the end of today I'll be under less pressure. Thanks for checkin' in. :)
@palmeri Right there w/you.
Desperately trying not to lose it today. So far so good, but barely.
@gmarkham I've had to figure that out on my own. Interviewees respond better when you're human. Go figure.
@gmarkham I've cried twice before. Not very professional, but totally unavoidable.
25-pager in three days? In between Night Cops, City Council and a feech. Yes. I rock.
Have just given birth to 3rd research paper of the month. Damn, I'm fertile.
Tonite: paper to complete, final to study for. Tmrw.: Thurs. centerpiece deadline, turn in paper, final. Sleep? In 2 days I will. :S
Ever cried during an emotional interview? I almost did tonite.
@ericpratum I had a million answers to that one and then I realized I'd probably offend as many people.
Having fast food for dinner for 2nd time this week. My tastebuds hate me.
@ericpratum Next stop: Blindness.
@ericpratum Wow. After a while I think I might get weirded out.


Georgia Popplewell Global Voices Ruairi Roddy Etan Horowitz Lucy Murray C. A. Bridges Erica Smith Newsweek Daniel Bachhuber Monica Guzman Tillahwillah Sara Kiesler Delamiko Lord Julie G. / kisluvkis Karen Walrond Mark Woods D. Mahaffey palmeri Poynter aliti33028 Trent Partridge Anika Palm Michelle Ferrier keifel Eric Pratum Kirk LaPointe gmarkham thetennischick Patrick 10,000 Words Laura E. Snider chris blake CommonTies The Daytona Post Anderson Cooper Nicholas Laughlin