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Staying home to watch the rain...uh..snow !
back from shopping, Christmas gifts ! kids will be happy, I think :)
rediscovering "La valse à mille temps" lyrics, j'ai mis le temps !
remembering that I got a "fake-me" : ; unfortunately, he's asleep
still hoping for a cool and quiet weekend
@greichka : ya des profs qui utilisent twitter ? non, pas crédible ça !
think he will have a permanent cold 'til next spring
a nice pic for steve jobs allergics
a really friendly WE, ending with gaelle&remy in a pub
pissed off by some rumours, but happy to go to dédé's birthday
an american self-portrait :
first morning running since a looong time. it was awful
one day, my kitchen will be finished. but for now, I can't even use water or electricity in my house. great !
"Passer pour un idiot aux yeux d'un imbécile est une volupté de fin gourmet" - Courteline
saw Persepolis this WE, it's an amazing movie, a must-see !
obama is a good guy : his laptop is a Mac ;)
@Cyberbougnat quasiment pas, la honte ! je suis assez tenté par iTrail, t'en penses quoi ?
@cyberbougnat : je viens de découvrir : excellent ! un jour je m'y remettrais :p
@agou : pour ton entretien, je suis SUR que ça te plaira ;)
new gad elmaleh show on dvd, watching it tonight :)


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