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I've been working on the same problem forever. I know I'm making a fundamental error, because I don't even get bad output. I get no output.
Hope the workers on strike in Chicago know about this & have the werewithall to test Obama's solidarity:
Ok, enough twitter situationism. I'm back to work. #ali
@paulkittredge What's your favorite color? #ali
This is how you totally dilute the value of someone else's hash tag. You just start using it. #ali
@kevinmccann We know the truth. You're probably at Morton's having a breakfast steak and a scotch, on us. We'll get you back.
Apparently my boss has taken the morning off to play with Twitter.
Finally warming up. A good hour of harassing and being harassed and some coffee and now my brain is coming-to.
I think I just walked Thomas Friedman off the sidewalk this AM. He was hogging it, I was playing chicken. I won.
Listening to a 40s-era radio show advertising Nash brand cars, full-size, big sedans, with 30mpg at highway speeds.
Back frm B'More. @CPeterC was right, American Visionary Art Museum is truly unique. Also hit the aquarium (felt like a cattle chute today).
@CPeterC I've nothing to do with football, except when my roommate subjects me to it. I'm exploiting "dollar days" museum discounts.
Tonight also warranted another screening of The Third Man.
Watching Dr Who with oranges, chocolate & beer. Tomorrow I'm conquering Baltimore. Again.
@MikePanetta Hope you liked Radius, but surprised you didn't op for Pete's Apizza just a coupl blocks away. Both good in my book.
Santarchy is today. Fuck - I DO regret not bringing camera.
Pizza doesn't seem very Scandanavian. I guess I'm cheating.
Probably will regret this, but I've 5 days of images to process & I've got lots of stuff to sort & prep for trip-Leaving house w/out camera.


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