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I've pretty much stopped using this Twitter account. All of my tweets are now done on my @Rootclip account. Follow me over there.
@ryanberg nice 3...what's gonna happen in OT?!
@AC Entertainment Yeah, I can get Knology, but the bundles aren't really worth it. Time to call retention @ comcast!
@ryanberg I should have just watched your twitter...its almost more exciting than the game was. Hahah!! Have fun in Lawrence!
@ryanberg looks like the Jay Hawks pulled it off. Memphis is gonna be tough, but I'm pullin for your guys since the Tigers beat my Spartans
Not too impressed with the oreo milkshake I got at Bruster's. Too "milky".
got my Comcast bill...need to talk to retention to get my internet back down under $30 per month. Holla if $45.95 sounds reasonable to you?
headed home, then to First Friday. Maybe I'll see some of you downtown!
love the new look of the Knoxville Metro Pulse
Follow Rootclip on Twitter
eating a delicious lunch that my wife brought to me. Hooray for awesome wives!!
can't find any cheap tix to Ft. Myers, FL...we're gonna have to drive to my brother's wedding. Boo!!
Wishing I had more time to play with gadgets, cuz BUG would be really cool
"Conroy" by Cake (b-sides and rarities album) is definitely going to make it into my Europe DVD
tried to get the latest version of twitterific and they're now charging $15 for it. Suck!!
trying to figure out if I'm ever going to use Twitter again. Is there a reason perfect strangers would care that I'm using the bathroom?!
Dreaming of the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw (or Mackinac, depending on where you're from).
Anyone else finding Twitterific (Mac) to die on them unexpectedly...and often? It's really annoying!
Mmmm! My new fav breakfast...Builder's bars from Clif. So far, mint is better than cookies 'n cream.


Patrick Beeson Lindsay Beeson Jeffrey Zeldman Twitterrific Barry Sean Duran Jack Lail Jose Castillo jigsha desai mock Lauren Spuhler Jay Baird staci baird Markus McClellan Kevin Antoine Eric Moritz AC Entertainment Rob Bennett Greg Kendall-Ball Tim O'Hare Missy Bruce-Weiner Emma Chace Elijah Manor Ellyn Angelotti Sean Alsobrooks zaneellis mochichat Michael Berger Ryan Berg Casey Peters BCKnoxify Curtis Summers glenn1you0 GO211 chaderick Leslie Bowden