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Promoting Plone on an OSS CMS panel at #Gilbane with two guys from Switzerland.
Same audience member remarking that many Drupal modules are not built to scale. #Gilbane
I'm liking this panel. Since Jeff started talking it's turned into an OSS love fest. #Gilbane
Question from audience: Drupal add-ons are a wild west. How does Drupal community do vetting of which add-ons are stable and high quality?
Jeff Whatcott: there is a new breed of software called "social publishing" that combines traditional CMS with emerging social media tools.
Just as CMS vendors like to claim they have social media features, they also claim Salesforce integration, but it's just a web-2-lead form.
NASA chose open source Trac over Microsoft Sharepoint and built the DASHLink website using Django. #Gilbane
@jeckman I would say that Gilbane doesn't really attract the 20-something gen-y'ers. #Gilbane
Slide says "best of bread". Spellchecker wouldn't catch that one.
@jeckman we're using Trac @Jazkarta but we've built a layer on top of it called @Cluemapper. Thx for the reminder about OForge.
NASA uses Trac for their DASHLink "social network" #gilbane
RT Zea Partners: Updated guide on Open Source for SMEs: guide to help small and medium businesses understand OSS.
@gerrykirk @calvinhp great idea about having a Plone marketing sprint! Can you suggest a date, perhaps after the holidays in early 2009?
@ordnas What a concert! Wayne's tone on soprano is pure gold and I think I saw lightning bolts coming off of Brian Blade's drums!
@tibbon told me about glTail, a realtime logfile visualization tool.
this 3D scanner looks like sci-fi but it's for real!
@thewebdood you can find more videos and screencasts about Plone at
looking forward to Wayne Shorter concert tonight at Berklee. it's his 75th birthday!
listening to Social Media panel discussion at Gilbane with panelists -Acquia, Mindtouch, Wetpaint and Awareness Networks.
at Gilbane Conf listening to FatWire talk about their Cyber Girls site. One woman was so offended she walked out. Bad move Fatwire.


Mike Champion Gary Elliott Rod Begbie Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Nabeel Hyatt Dave Winer Jake Shapiro Daniel Johnson, Jr. Brian Del Vecchio Sooz Cal Henderson Marcus Cristenson Chris Brogan Graham English Beth Kanter Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Jim Long Jack Hodgson Mark Bao Kyle Bradshaw  C.C. Chapman Seth Robert Scoble Matthew Oliphant B.K. DeLong Tom Jeff O'Hara joanne  mcneil Aral Aleksandr Jesse Baer Jon Pierce Chris Abraham
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