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@redrobotcore Sorry about that - no idea why
loving the onion panel at the national press club - may be on CSPAN, check it out!
Interesting that whenever McCain says "naivete" his CNN audience reaction plummets
No Ukraine mention from Obama? Why not?
@sylviasmithDC - as long as its got an "ee" in the middle, not an "uh"
Why is McCain so enamored of Petraeus?
"They just passed an election law in the last few days" Um. What about those inked up thumbs, Mr. McCain?
McCain - 2nd time with the "Miss Congeniality." Not working for me.
So... does this mean the chick from Juno would play Palin's daughter in the Tina Fey movie of Palin's life?
Sad Tina Fey didn't stick around SNL long enough to be Sarah Palin
Michelle Obama is rockin' it #DNC08
Why did I get an Obama VP email and no Obama VP txt? (It's Biden)
generally twittering as these days
@jonnygoldstein - @acarvin and @newmediajim are tops on my list of sources :)
Prepping a class on twitter for journalists - any suggestions?
selling bags of books for $7 per bag until we close the used book sale at 6PM. Come shop in the Zenger room at the press club!
@batterista that's the European style
@khuffman - good to know, i thoght it was just me #sla2008
still can't believe they closed the sci-fi part of the sci-fi museum for the librarian event there last night #sla2008


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