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My cabbie says I lied to him about where I live. Ha! The fool didn't turn on his meter and now doesn't know what to charge me. Incredible.
Finally got to meet the great Robert Melton tonight. He's one of the tech guru's working on @RedState for Eagle Publishing. #churchill
Hard to tell who Rush loves more: Sarah Palin or Ronald Reagan. Heaping praise on both. #churchill
Rush: "Barack Obama threw everything he could at Saxby Chambliss except Plaxico Burress with a loaded gun." #churchill
Rush is really attacking McCain: "We had a candidate who had no core beliefs, who had no principles." #churchill
Rush: "As far as the media are concerned, Obama is too big to fail. Whatever happens is going to get blamed on Republicans." #churchill
Rush tells auto execs to stop the PR pandering. "How bad is it when the CEO of GM drives a Malibu to the hearings?" #churchill
Rush has a cold. But that's not stopping him from ripping Obama and McCain. #churchill
A couple conservative celebs in the audience tonight: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and former Sen. Fred Thompson. #churchill
Two credentials to enroll at Hillsdale: to be able and willing. "We cannot help you if you don't have those two," says Arnn. #churchill
Arnn gives a plug to my @Heritage colleague Matt Spalding for exposing liberal view of Constitution at Capitol Visitors Center. #churchill
Larry Arnn, Hillsdale president and @Heritage trustee, is introducing Rush. Michael Barone and Tim Carney are at my table. #churchill
I'm at Mayflower Hotel (1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC) -
Heading out to Hillsdale College's Churchill Dinner. Rush Limbaugh is the keynoter. This is always a fun event -- and it's at the Mayflower.
@markdkelly2 Are you kidding? Wesley Clark in a cab!?! He showed up in a Town Car with driver. Had a woman with him. Should've snapped pic.
@estherclark We had to wait 15 minutes for a cab. @MelissaBluey was freezing. Did the cabbies go on strike? Welcome back, btw.
Gen. Wesley Clark got dropped off at the Mandarin Oriental. He asked me what was going on. I told him #amspec dinner. "Oh boy," he said.
Where are all the cabs? Maybe this is why no one ever holds events at the Mandarin Oriental. #amspec
Novak: "Always love your country, but never trust your government." #amspec
Congrats to Robert Novak for his dedication to journalism. Recipient of this year's Barbara Olson Award. #amspec


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