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Okay, got up early, went to church (yes, I do) , did some shopping & now it's nap time. Au revoir till later
@tanema25 I'm beyond that stage. I'm pure toast... but still chuckling about Kyle
@Twitterkins re bow tie - I knew you could do it all along. I had confidence. Others doubted, oh sure, but not me.
@q06as LOL, beautiful. Howver, I don't drink Molso...excuse me, Coors. I prefer LaBatt (kidding, actually, I drink Guiness Stout)
grumble grumble missed @twitterkins performance last night - grumble grumble - not even in same part of country - grumble, oh well, grumble
Grumble grumble, morning already, where's coffee....grumble has to go out...grumble grumble - signed, Cindy
Grumble grumble, morning already, where's coffee....grumble grumble...gotta go out...grumble gotta wake the humans - signed, the Dog
Having trouble sleeping tonight. Too much caffeine today? No, that can't be it!
Had dinner with partner & kids, got a rehearsal in, and am now tending to sore fingers
@Twitterkins Me, for sure. It's only 64 here in Tampa. ;-P
See ya'll a bit later.
@keeponwagging That's so funny! When ours was young, he did the same thing. He wasn't happy till he managed to desqueek the toy
@tanema25 So, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas? Everywhere you go??
Just finished last rehearsal of the day, and I'm burnt toast. Till the morning, 'night my twitterpated friends.
CNNMoney calls the PS3 a "sinking ship." Dear Lord, please don't let my son or son in law hear that.They'll lose the will to live.
Will the Canadians who left their cold weather front in Tampa, Flora-freakin'-duh, PLEASE come & remove it. It is annoying people.
@dontcallmemurse Yeah, I get that alot ;-) btw, there's people under the stairs and the hills have eyes.
MSNBC - "Gov. Crist, you may now kiss the bride " Yeah, right. Enjoy it. But, Impact Florida kept vigil thru the night, and damn it's cold
@Twitterkins As @hodgman noted, damn, you gotta a set of pipes there, laddie boy. I'm impressed! (for real, very well done!)


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