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r/t @flightblogger Airbus digs deep with Dreamliner dossier on Boeing 787. The full report (including document) at
At the tailgate field at penn state. Third car at our lot. Time to crank up the grill and the hot cider!
going off the grid and heading to State College to watch Michigan State play for a Big Ten Championship (hopefully)
f'n twitterfox still isn't working after multiple un- and re-installs.
my twitterfox is broken and I haven't been following twitter at all this week. Am I more or less productive? (or happy?)
At the New America Foundation talk by Eric Schmit (spelling?) Google CEO
To the gym!
first netflix in God knows how long is down. yay for post-election free time!
Just left the DNC building as an employee for the last time. Well, the last time for a while, at least.
an ongoing feed of people cursing on twitter. fucking awesome.
I wish i had been counting how many times comcast has been to my house and i still don't have cable. I have no doubt it is in the double ......
after over 2 years of trying I'm hoping today is the day I finally get cable. Come on Comcast... yes we can!
@ggreeneva The fact that Shepard Smith is voice of reason to Ralph Nader just explains how unhinged Nader really is.
with 40k votes uncounted and down only 400 votes, I'm not counting Charlie Brown out by a long shot
front pages from across the country:
After the killing babies talk, I shoulda walked away. She put it in park & started w/ 'the whites would reep what we'd sowed during slavery
I'm going to go ahead and say I'm both fired up AND ready to go! Let's win this!
A woman just stopped me so she could show me when you ask her 4 year old who she is voting for the little girl says "Obama!". Very cute.


Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Nancy Scola Schlomo Rabinowitz Dan Kurtz nikkiana John Edwards noneck T. Neil Sroka Greg Greene Barack Obama Andrew Hoppin Baratunde Thurston Jason Rosenberg Amanda Marcotte Hillary Clinton bencoffeyclark henry copeland Patrick Ruffini Tim Lim Jadesfire Brad Levinson Adam Mordecai Tracy Russo Adam Conner Matt Stoller David Alpert Mike Panetta Ryan Alexander Matt Browner Hamlin DCist Michael Haggerty Cheryl Contee Chris Dodd Tim Cullen Jessica Valenti
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