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This backwards finger-pointing sounds uncomfortable.
@planspark hope you're enjoying NCDD!
People, pls keep it clean tomorrow am or else I have to turn off twitter during kindergarten. Don't deprive 5 yr olds of twitter exposure.
@kbear So are you enjoying the album?
Listening to Santogold, discovered by way of this week's Gossip Girl. Gossip Girlers, come out, come out!
yikes, so long since I logged into twitter that I have an @ backlog
All hail the new and improved online Vancouver, ready for 2010:
Eavesdropping. Know a German-speaking woman who dropped out of a PhD program at Berkeley, now works in gaming research? Introduce us please!
No more kiddie hardware, from now on we only buy actual grownup tech for the kids.
Welcome to the hexiversary: eight lovely years with both noise AND signal.
For the 1st time I am ready to leave the Apple store b4 my kid is. This changes everything.
OK the big how-do-I-love-thee-MindMeister post is finally online:
To-do-athon! I love crossing things off the list.
Today may be my clumsiest day ever, and I have the scars to prove it.
Rob's first cartoon on ReadWriteWeb: --- check it out!
is it really possible that ebay's search options are this limited? No way to search different words in different fields?
the fact that the internet promises the possibility of finding the exact perfect thing makes commitment to the imperfect almost impossible
omigod you won't believe what happens on page 291!


Jerry Michalski Brian Oberkirch enoch choi Gene Richard Smith Phillip Smith Jason Calacanis Tim Bonnemann Steven Clift James Walker Ruby Sinreich Rob Cottingham Beth Kanter heather gardner-madr Boris Mann debs Lee LeFever Veerle Pieters  Chris Heuer Sandy Eddie Codel Nep (Travis) kris krug Richard susie gardner Kate Trgovac Nancy White Marnie Webb John Edwards Roland Tanglao Gus Mueller Jake McKee Abject Learner Bryght Zoltan Varady Catherine Winters
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