Graham’s Favorites

Bjorn Arneson
bjornarneson http://www.crossbrowsertest... VNC access to many OS/browser combinations. Good for quick tests of layouts in IE6/7.
Jeff Rosenberg
JeffRosenberg Ridiculously dorky. Google Reader users, try entering the Konami code: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, "b", "a"
missashe RT @beautifulthangs Top 10 Nonprofit and Social Media for Social Good blogs: by @kanter.
Jason Kottke
jkottke If I live 170 years, I still won't understand how to fold a fitted bed sheet. It's like you need an extra dimension.
Bjorn Arneson
bjornarneson @hammerikaner Critiques of public agency web design and usability at
Evan Williams
ev Note: We made a change to SMS DMs. You'll no longer get the explanatory text after you've sent a few. (Should cut down on 2/2 messages.)
Paul Schmelzer
schmelzenfreude My thoughts on new word added to dictionary? Meh.
Jay Rosen
jayrosen_nyu PressThink is an domain, my Twitter feed builds NYU's online rep but does the academic system know enough web to credit these facts?
Bjorn Arneson
bjornarneson @hammerikaner APPAM paper on Web 2.0 in Govt. Haven't read it yet, but you may be interested.
Chuck Olsen
Chuckumentary Brian Oberkirch "pulled a Chuck Olsen" on Twitterank. :-) http://www.brianoberkirch.c...
Jay Rosen
jayrosen_nyu Ask a mediocre band about their influences and you'll hear: "we have our own sound." Ask a band with an original sound and they list dozens.
Kristofer Layon
klayon @snackeru & @hammerikaner: the Starsky & Hutch of UThink
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich To do: Link to http://www.copypastecharact... on Twitter. ✔ Sing a little song about it. ♫ Pick a little boogie about it. ☝
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly Retweeting @oreillymedia: Video: A. Garrett Lisi on Using Wikis to Support Open Source Science
Chuck Olsen
Chuckumentary Still reeling from the genius of the Palin pick. If Obama is trying to be post-racial, Palin is what... post-discourse?
hodgman Today I will eat breakfast in one city, lunch in another, and dinner in another. BECAUSE I AM COSMOPOLITAN.
Jon Gordon
jongordon Dang. I worked BEFORE I went to the office, and now I'm working again after a full day AT the office. When did I become THAT dude?
MarsPhoenix Look at this picture: Now, turn your screen upside down. Is this the mother lode of the polar region? Ice!?
John Gruber
gruber I like when TV talking heads use the term "regular people" to refer to "white people".
s4xton BREAKING NEWS: Clinton still can't pull it off but she's still staying in! (Playing Scrabble for three hours was the way to go tonight.)


Evan Williams Chuck Olsen John Gruber Aaron Peter Fleck taulpaul Twitterrific Kevin Rose hotdogsladies Matt Haughey Greg Greene Six Apart Jennifer Whigham Barack Obama Erica Mauter Ed Kohler Stephen Colbert Garrick Van Buren Jason Kottke MacRumorsLive Aric McKeown Jeffery Bennett Andy Ihnatko Cabel M. Sasser Jonathan Coulton Steven Johnson Tim O'Reilly Jon Gordon Josh Wolf Tim Cullen Ellie Graves Tony Thomas snackeru Jesse Thorn Fake Steven Wright Clay Shirky
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