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How did we ever survive supermarket lines w/o Web-enabled cellphones?
I am proud of myself for going car-free these last few years, but damn, I enjoy a good night drive now & again.
Thought for the day: Kid Rock was awesome from 1998-2000, his hick-hop/rap-metal phase. It's only when he went full redneck that he went ...
has 99 problems, but Metro delays ain't one.
is so swift that it's an actual fact/I'm like Zorro, I mark an "E" on your back:
True fact from #rootscampdc08: Adam Green can cut a rug on the dance floor like he was Blago's personal stylist. I've seen it firsthand.
This may be the greatest comment ever posted on the Internet (h/t @blogdiva):
@codestripper: "Let him who is without a fiber-to-the-home connection cast the first stone."
Hey, if J to the C wants to follow me, who am I to argue? By the way, JC, we need to talk about Paul, man. He's got you all twisted.
My 251st follower is a Jewish carpenter. No, seriously, have a look:
Thanks to @edgery for being my 250th follower. It was a pleasure meeting you at #rootscampdc08.
@codestripper: You know, that's not a bad idea. Let me ask my eco-blogging friends about this and get feedback, and then we can collaborate.
@codestripper: No, I didn't know about any of that. Wow. Here's hoping they continue to emphasize that--it's the only way they'll survive.
will not be going to #rootscampdc08 today, as I've got lots of stuff to do. Have a good time, all of you who are attending.
just went on a friend-adding rampage on Twitter, looking up contacts old and new. Man, I know a lot of people on this thing.
If you own a red & black LG flip phone and are at #rootscampdc08, I have it. Pass the word.
is listening to Mike Rogers discuss taking on corporations at @dconcierge's panel. #rootscampdc08.
She's very passionate and committed to making OFA work, post-election, so don't think I'm hating. #rootscampdc08
Paulette Isikoff is getting grilled hardcore at OFA future panel. Lot of questions asked that she can't answer. #rootscampdc08


Xeni Jardin Clay Johnson Karl Frisch GregElin Nancy Scola Dina Janina Matt Webb Clint Ecker Christine Krizsa Robyn Tippins Alex King Fake Henry Rollins Ars Technica ash Micah Sifry Greg Greene Michael Whitney Aaron Brazell reddit alien Tim Windsor Jim Turner Doug Williams BrianReed Baratunde Thurston Liza Sabater Dean Hall Brad DeLong Dean Hua jenifer Jadesfire Robin Catesby Andrew Baron Rocketboom Adam Mordecai Terrance Heath
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