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One more final and I will be FINISHED with my Smith degree. Praise EVERYTHING!
Trying to study at Panera, but mostly feeling the post-food sleepies.
RT @davidpryke Best Bento Box EVER! Holy cuteness,, Wall-E!
Sometimes I'm jealous of my 15-month old son. He will play with a single key for twenty minutes. I wish I could find fascination in a key.
"To: Allison...confirmation of computer-based GRE...Sincerely, North America." Thanks, North America. You're a doll.
Why does it cost 140 dollars to take the GRE? Lordy, that's a lot of money!
Either Alex's canines are coming in or he is just being a jerk this morning. Whichever it is, I hope it stops soon.
@jaemie I took two APs and will have a degree from a liberal arts college at the end of the month! Hopefully they'll be nice to me!
If Pitt really forces me to take English Composition (Eng 101) with my background I will *not* be amused.
@edibiase I just had to drive through Schenley. There are still lots of sirens wailing.
I'm at Google Pittsburgh (4720 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA) -
Waiting for @Zach. Alex woke up from his nap, yawned, looked at me and said, "dada!" -
Failing miserably at my attempt to study for finals. - Photo:
I understand now why people get so frustrated with me about my inability to hear my phone ring.
@goaliegirl No worries :) We all make mistakes and go bonkers every once in a while!
Seriously, "EarCheck Middle Ear Monitor" is requesting my friendship on facebook? WTF?
Thanking for helping me find a gift for the person who has everything: cavier, robotic vacuums, amish cookbooks.
YES! A mute button on Twitter:
@ClumberKim Ha! I think she came to the sad realization that she will never be an opera singer as she never practices these days.
Being at home, completely alone, is very strange. @zach and Alex are running errands and it is creeping me out that it's so quiet.


Zoot John Gruber Evan DiBiase Zach Paine Mark John Edwards BBC Health Amy Jane Gruber hotdogsladies Jaemie Gyurik Barack Obama Scott Simpson Carmi Levy Woy Adam Lisagor Jenn Schooley Jim Shireman John Moltz Rachel Jessica Knight Lindsay Ferrier Dooce Jana Grusofsky Jennifer Trent Hamm SeoulBrother Lifehacker Erin Kotecki Vest I heart PGH Jennifer D nerdette Shamelessly Sassy Megan Jordan scottsweep iamjellybean Jane Pitt